It’s Pale, it’s Ale, it’s flavour will not fail... okay, we’re not great poets. But we are brewers of repute. So without a rhyme scheme or scansion to worry about, here’s the shizzle: Pale Ale is golden amber in colour with citrus and some floral hop aromas. Toffee sweetness and a tang of citrus fruit are balanced by a floral and earthy hop contribution, and there’s a loooooong dry satisfyingly bitter finish. It’s rare that a pale ale has this much depth of flavour, but we’ve worked long and hard on it. Happily, our drinkers reckon our efforts have been worthwhile.
It’s Pale, it’s Ale, it’s flavour will not fail... okay, we’re not great poets. But we are brewers of repute. So without a rhyme scheme or scansion to worry about, here’s the shizzle: Pale Ale is golden amber in colour with citrus and some floral hop aromas. Toffee sweetness and a tang of citrus fruit are balanced by a floral and earthy hop contribution, and there’s a loooooong dry satisfyingly bitter finish. It’s rare that a pale ale has this much depth of flavour, but we’ve worked long and hard on it. Happily, our drinkers reckon our efforts have been worthwhile.